Raedan AI



In-depth explanations of what you need to know about data, digital and language AI.

Road to Prediction

Re-think how financial services research is conducted. Targeting and collecting information and looking for key words is no longer enough. Organisations must begin to deploy systems that are able to understand what information means and be able to discover how the content contained within disparate data stores are interconnected. Creation…

Applying NLU AI to Complex Insurance Problems

The ideal NLU solution is one that combines the automated learning and breadth of an ML system with the human precision and industry knowledge of a rule-based one. This hybrid system requires that you can explicitly change rules based on organizational knowledge, rather than depend on the system to learn…

The Hidden Value of Unstructured Data

What will you do today to leverage Cognitive AI for your organisation? Put your business on the path too advanced Artificial Intelligence technology. More than 60% of global data and analytics decision-makers say that their company is sitting on 100 or more terabytes of data.1 Customer and transaction data, product…

The value of expert.ai Semantic Technology for Intelligence

For security and intelligence professionals tasked with protecting digital and physical assets, protecting against threats and providing timely intelligence, generating knowledge from data is essential. Analysis within the intelligence business is manifested by extracting meaning from ambiguous information, compiling comprehensive understanding from fragmentary indicators, discerning threat amidst seemingly benign activity…