Raedan AI

Engineering Risk Minimisation

Engineering Risk Minimisation

AXA XL assessed the value of specific natural language processing in managing property risk – 50 reports are now processed in around five minutes, delivering greater insights from the reports they review.

AXA XL assessed the value of specific natural language processing in managing property risk, specifically to help engineer reviewers navigate the vast amount of data in engineering reports. Qualified engineers were expensive and fewer were coming into the industry.

AXA XL customer interview: AI and NLP to innovate Property Risk Engineering with expert.ai

AXA XL converting unstructured data in Microsoft Excel structured data was one of the key capabilities to manage data as much of their information in this content.

The solution uses expert.ai to read engineering reports. Fifty reports are now processed in around 5 minutes, where this would have taken many hours for an engineer previously. Engineers are also receiving greater insight from the reports they review.

Collaboration within business and access to the deep domain knowledge and expertise of Expert System contributed to the success of the project.

James Breeze, Digital AI and Analytics Lead, AXA XL

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